In 2023 there will be the 10th edition of Rugby World Cup , the third biggest sports event in the World(after Summer Olympic Games and FIFA World Champions) . . .
This time it will be in Europe again – FRANCE.
UFAR – Union Francaise Ancient de Rugby (UFAR) will organize international Veteran Rugby Tournaments in each of so called “RWC towns” . . .
In co - operation with UFAR, RWC France organisers, the European veterans are invited to use this unique possibility to watch RWC games, playing in the same time their favourite Game, meeting old and new Rugby friends . . .
More information will be available in February at EVRA European Series Events Calendar and the official UFAR Website
For the “EVRA newcomers” information, European Veteran Rugby Association has been founded on October 26th 2010 as the non – profit sports organisation in Heidelberg (Germany) with the aim to develop European Veteran Rugby in Europe, especially in so called small rugby nations“.
38 veteran clubs/teams and rugby personalities from 14 countries in Europe had established this organisation on amateur principles with the intention to develop European Veteran Rugby organising, together with the club members, yearly Mini Festivals / Tournaments under the name EVRA EUROPEAN VETERAN RUGBY SERIES, as well as the biannually EUROPEAN FESTIVAL with the participation of veteran clubs and teams from the European rugby playing countries.
The first European Festival had been hosted in 2011 in Cascais (Portugal), the second one in 2013 in Esztergom (Hungary), the third one in 2015 in Farnham the (England) at the start of Rugby World Cup, the 4th EVRA European Festival had been held in Siedlce (Poland) and in 2019 the 5th one took place in Belluno (Italy). All previous Festivals details can be found at and -EVRA FESTIVALS and NEWS.
Be welcome to join us anytime – anywhere as the supporter of European Veteran Rugby development . . .
