From the Team Captain Jim Morton we got the sadly news that their “Soul & Motor” Iain Scott had suddenly left them . . .
Reading RC – The Rhinos are the only EVRA active member from England, also thanks to Iain.
E V R A will be proud to support the Rhinos also in the future . . .
The Captain Jim wrote:
Dear Marko,
Firstly I have some very sad news – our manger Iain Scott has passed away suddenly.
His funeral was on Friday and we gave him a tremendous send off.
Iain was everything to us and he played a large role in making sure that we could play rugby . . .
not least his connections to EVRA and ensuring that we had some fantastic tours over the years.
We are definitely going to miss him, but have promised to maintain our traditions!
I am the captain of the team for the next season and I will be working with Patrick Murphy to organize our annual tour.
Best Wishes,
Jim Morton