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8th Heidelberger Oldies Frühling 2022

After more than two years of “Covid – brake” Veteran Rugby “came back” on the last

Saturday in Heidelberg, where the first EVRA European Series Tournament took place,

perfectly organised by TSV Handschuhsheim Rugby Oldies with the Team Manager Christian


Veterans from England (Reading RFC Rhinos, London), France (Les Phacocheres, Illkirchen)

and Germany (TSV “Silberlöwen” and Frankfurter Bembelschwenker with couple of guest

players from Heidelberger clubs HRK 1872 e.V. and R G H 1898 e.V.) enjoyed truly this 8 th

Heidelberger Oldies Frühling, the first one international one among all former editions.

The usual “Third Halftime” begun with the presentations – exchange of sports souvenirs, to

be followed with the real “grill – beer party” that lasted till late in the evening.

European Veteran Rugby Association awarded additionally the Organiser TSV Rugby Oldies

and Reading RFC Rhinos with the special made “EVRA Series plaques”.

The “Rhinos” led by their “Ober-oldies” Patrick Murphy-Paddy and Iain Scott, with 2022

Team Captain Shaun Collins-Linsday, toured yearly all over Europe, since the Season

1986/1987 they visited 21 countries.

Two named “Rugby oldies” had been awarded with the personal EVRA plaques as the “small

Thank you” for the Clubs success, as English representative, for the contribution to the

development of Veteran Rugby in Europe.

Take some impressions looking at the “Tournament Photo-Gallery” enclosed to this report.

All photos by the courtesy of U18 TSV Rugby player Finn Geiger, from Heidelberg.

See some of you at the 9th Edition in Spring 2023 . . .



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