It was at the begin of 1964 when Rugby Club „Zagreb“ had been founded, as the
third one in Croatia, after ARK „Mladost“ in 1954 (Zagreb) and RK „Nada“ in 1959
With the 10th edition of Memorial Tournament „Zdenko Jajcevic“ the veterans of
„Zagreb“ RC contributed to this great Anniversary.
Teams.of Corto Rugby Club Crés (France), Les Hippo'Crampes du Brusc
(France), RK Partizan Vets (Belgrade, Serbia) and RK “Zagreb“ Vets, as the Event
organisers, had shown „…..very interesting games, some of them ending with draw
results !
With the traditional „Third Halftime“, Awarding ceremony and a lot of local food and
drinks this „Veterans gathering“ lasted till the late in the night.
As the Organisers we would like to thank all visiting teams and specially all our
volunteer helpers, wihtout them this traditon could not take so „long“……
We invite our Rugby friends from all over Europe to meet (again) the next, first
Saturday in May 2025 at Rugby Center „RUDEZ“, to enjoy and celebrate our
favourite Game.
Thank you
Tihomir Vranesevic
Ragbi Klub „Zagreb“ Veterans